Different stages about life.. 1 | Page 24

•You go out again, and again it is great.

•After going out together several times you both realize you have found

someone special.

•You fall in love and continue dating steadily.

•You decide to get engaged.

•You plan the wedding together and await the day.

•You get married.

•You live happily ever after.

This is in a perfect world, this is in a perfect situation, this would happen in a perfect

relationship…..This my friends does not exist.Relationship is understanding, trusting

each other, believing at all times what we are doing is right not just for us but for

everyone connected with us, it is sometimes the biggest compromise you have to make.

So now my question lies “Are you ready for it” most of you who are teenagers and are

reading this will agree we are not……so wait for the right moment, the right time, the

right person….and life will seem so much simpler.