Different stages about life.. 1 | Page 23

Like Marilyn Monroe once said….. “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure.I make

mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at

my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best” Summed up in a single

quote she says it all…life is not bed of roses or always beautiful and same goes to

relationships. While young we feel or believe that relationships are what we badly

need we need to fall in love, we need to be with someone, and that life will be

incomplete without that special someone. But have we ever realized what crazy things

this word “love” makes us do? It makes us lie, cheat our dear ones, behave like

uncontrollable human beings, change ourselves. Yes there are many ups to being in

love but….everything has its own time .Being a teenager am I mature enough to know

what is right for me? Who is the one? Am I old enough to handle my emotions? Do I

know when to stop? How much is too much? Well ! do i?? Ask yourselves the above

questions. And if the answer to all the questions is yes then I believe you are ready to

think about having that special one in your life. Relationships come in all shapes and

sizes. Every single relationship is completely unique. The variations are seemingly

infinite. If life were easy and understandable, here is how the perfect relationship

would go:

•You are on your own and feeling OK with yourself, but not really seeing


•You meet someone you would like to get to know better.

•The two of you decide to go out together.

•You both have a really good time on your first date. You can't believe how

much you have in common.