Diet Mail Diet Mail - May 2014, Mother's Day Special | Page 11

SUCCESS STORY Gaurav Malhotra, 45, Finance professional based in Chandigarh Initial weight-81 kg Weight after 1 month:73 Still continuing with Diet Mantra.............. This is a story of 45yr old successful finance professional from Chandigarh. Mr. Malhotra was overweight for last 15 yrs and having hectic lifestyle. He was into regular drinking and smoking due to work pressure and was continuously putting on weight. At one point of time, his cholesterol levels went marginally high due to increased weight. He tried following the diet on his own sometimes but to no success. Finally, he decided to join Diet Mantra. He attended the first counselling session and shared his concerns and queries with the Diet Mantra Before Nutritionist. A simple plan was advised to him along with simple lifestyle changes to start with the weight loss program. He started feeling light in the first week itself and was motivated for his next visit. This was the time after which he never looked back. He completely quit smoking and drinking in the following weeks and achieved a successful weight loss of 11 kgs in 40 days. Mr. Malhotra is still continuing with us and looking forward to come to his ideal body weight. ALL THE BEST TO HIM! After