Diet Mail - Diet Mail - July 2014, Childhood Obesity | Page 10

TIPS FOR HEALTHY EATING DURING A SUMMER RAMADAN Eat Real Food, Not Processed and Junk Foods Processed foods can seem convenient, but they're usually filled with unhealthy things like high-fructose corn syrup, lots of sodium and typically all the wrong heart-clogging oils. There are healthy and halal-convenient options that are particularly good for breaking the fast. Junk foods like chips, candies, and more are basically void of nutrients and should not be used as a side dish. Instead, shop for locally produced fruits and veggies from farmers markets and grocery stores, which are now following the trend of , sourcing ingredients from local vendors. Because of a higher demand for such goods, the prices are finally coming down somewhat. Further more, when you eat food that is wholesome and packed with nutrition, you'll feel more satisfied. In fact find yourself needing to eat less of it than filler foods that hardly satisfy the stomach and make you crave more and more of them. Avoid "White" Foods White foods (i.e., white bread, white rice, white sugar, etc.) can fall into some of the above categories, but they're worth the mention for what not to eat. White breads are made from white flour, which is processed and stripped of the nutrition that should be in bread and the same goes for rice and even the type of sugar you use. Instead, choose breads from whole grains and organic brown rice (even basmati). Surprisingly, they don't have to break the bank, either since much of this is available in bulk at quality grocers like Whole Foods. Hydrate In long hot july days, getting enough fluids when you can eat and drink should be a priority. Your first choice is water, and other beverages, such as juice, milk, coffee, and tea, count towards your daily fluid intake. Think nutrient dense Meals should consist of healthy carbohydrates, lean sources of protein, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats. Avoid fried foods, pastries, and others with too much fat and sugar that won't deliver much nutrition. Focus on protein and fiber at Suhour While you can't completely prevent hunger pangs from happening, you can delay them by eating protein and fiber at Suhour. Examples of protein foods include eggs, cheese, peanut butter, beans, and meats. Oats, whole wheat bread, apples, and pears are high in fiber. Besides keeping you full, fiber helps you go, which is important for your digestive system health.