Methadone exemption lifted
College continues to expect those physicians who wish to enter this
area of practice to first ensure appropriate knowledge, training
rescribers no longer require a
federal exemption to prescribe
methadone. However, in
recognition of the public
safety risk that methadone represents if
not prescribed appropriately for opioid
disorder, the College will continue to have
expectations for physicians who wish to
begin prescribing methadone.
As of May 19, 2018, physicians are no
longer required to hold an exemption from
the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in
order to prescribe the medication. This an-
nouncement followed an extensive national
consultation of key stakeholders
including regulatory authorities on
subsection 56(1) of the CDSA.
We will be
“Even though the requirement
to obtain an exemption has been
looking closely
lifted, the College’s expectation is
at our longer
that physicians who choose to enter
term approach
this area of practice will first ensure
that they have the appropriate
to methadone
prescribing in light knowledge and training,” said Dr.
Steven Bodley, College President.
of this changing
Over the next few months, the
College will be looking closely
at our longer term approach to
methadone prescribing in light
of this changing environment and we will
continue to update you on developments
in this area. While methadone is an impor-
tant tool in the treatment of both pain and
opioid use disorder, it is not without its
risks. Given the safety risk posed by metha-
done if not prescribed appropriately for the
treatment of opioid use disorder, explicit
expectations for methadone prescribers
remain in place while we review our longer
term strategy for the oversight of opioid
prescribing. In the near term, the College
will expect physicians who wish to begin
prescribing methadone for the treatment of
opioid use disorder to first:
Complete the Opioid Dependence Treat-
ment course offered by the Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
a minimum of one day’s precep-
torship with either a pre-approved metha-
done prescriber or take the CAMH Metha-
done Preceptorship Simulation Course
Give written notification to the College
of their intention to begin prescribing
ndergo an assessment of their methadone
prescribing practice for opioid use disor-
der one year after they begin prescribing
Be familiar with the expectations in the
College’s Prescribing Drugs policy, which
states that physicians must have the req-
uisite knowledge, skills and judgment in
order to prescribe any drug
Adhere to the Methadone Maintenance
Treatment Program’s Standards and Clinical