Continuity of Care
We are currently consulting on our Continuity of Care policy and its four draft companion policies that
address different elements of continuity of care. We want to hear your feedback on the expectations that
we have drafted.
The draft umbrella Continuity of Care policy sets out the principles of professionalism that underpin the
companion policies and the general expectations that have broad application. The companion policies
set out expectations regarding specific elements of practice and are: Availability and Coverage; Managing
Tests; Transitions in Care; and Walk-in Clinics.
In recognition of the breadth and scope of this project, we have extended our usual 60-day consultation
period to six months. We want to ensure that all stakeholders have ample opportunity to contribute and
inform this important work.
We also want provide you with a different way of engaging with us on this important topic. We will be
hosting a “tweet chat” later this fall. A tweet chat is a public conversation that occurs on Twitter that
allows participants to comment on a specific topic using a unique hashtag. If you’re on Twitter, we
encourage you to follow us at @cpso_ca, where we will unveil more details about the tweet chat, including
dates and the hashtag, throughout the summer.
In addition to providing feedback through an online discussion forum, you can also contact us at
[email protected] or at:
80 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2E2
Attention: Policy Department
The College is committed to ensuring that the Continuity of Care draft policies reflects current practice
issues, embodies the values and duties of medical professionalism, and is consistent with the College’s
mandate to protect the public. The feedback obtained during this consultation will be carefully reviewed
and used to evaluate each draft policy. While it may not be possible to ensure that every comment or
suggested edit will be reflected in the final policies, all comments will be carefully considered.
Please provide your feedback by December 9, 2018.