Diagnostic Medical Sonography News September 2020



September 2020

Diagnostic Medical Sonography


Editor :

Yasmine Germain

Staff :

Mattea Callahan Jennifer Li Brianna Marriage

DMS Faculty :

Dr . Harry Holdorf
Program Manager 321-433-7130 holdorfh @ easternflorida . edu
Dan Clancy
Clinical Coordinator 321-433-7312 clancyd @ easternflorida . edu
Heather Brabon
Physics Instructor brabonh @ easternflorida . edu
Christina Gordon
Ultrasound Physics Lab Instructor Vascular Sonography ATC Instructor
gordonc @ easternflorida . edu
Meredith Ott
Adult Cardiac Sonography ATC Instructor
Ott . meredith @ easternflorida . edu
Elizabeth Bolger-Linser
Adult Cardiac Sonography ATC Instructor
bolger-linsere @ easternflorida . edu
For more information on Diagnostic Medical Sonography , please contact the Health Science Admissions & Advising Office at :


This Month ’ s Issue

Letter from the Editor P . 1 Adult Cardiac Sonography P . 2
Breast Deparment P . 3 OB / GYN Department P . 4-5 Abdominal Department P . 6
Interview with Jacilyn Rayl P . 7

Letter From The Editor

As your new editor , I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and my co-editors . I am Yasmine Germain , and working alongside me are Brianna Marriage , Jennifer Li and Mattea Callahan . We are the class of 2022 in Eastern Florida State College ’ s Diagnostic Medical Sonography program !
Over the last several months , many people have been devastated by SARS-CoV-2 ( severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ); it has set us all back in a variety of different ways . However , we have also observed medical personnel working tirelessly to combat SARS-CoV-2 ( COVID-19 ), and their hard work has inspired and motivated many to enter the medical field . Their work has inspired me , even more , to pursue a career in healthcare . Though many lives have been lost , many lives have also been saved . Healthcare workers sometimes witness patients taking their last breaths , but they also help them not to die alone .
As students taking the necessary steps to becoming sonographers , we are currently more vital than ever . As we equip ourselves to enter the field of sonography , we must keep in mind that we will be challenged , exhausted and even defeated ; however , there will also be victories , like when we get that sweet thank you , when we work with amazing colleagues and when we hear that we made someone feel a little more comfortable . Becoming sonographers will give us the chance to make a significant impact on the lives of the people we serve .
I am thrilled to be working as the new editor for EFSC ’ s DMS program . I want to thank our previous editor , Nadja , who is a delight to be around , and who helped to transition me into this role . Over the next few months , I and my co-editors will keep you updated on the latest news and provide you with vital tips and information about sonography .
Sincerely ,
Yasmine Germain Junior Sonography Student
P . S . I cannot wait to take you on this journey with me !
Medical Sonography