Diagnostic Medical Sonography News September 2020 | Page 2


Adult Cardiac Sonography ATC

Sonographer Involvement in Cardiac Tamponade

What is cardiac tamponade ?
Cardiac tamponade is a deadly illness in which the pericardium ( two thin layers of tissue around the heart with fluid between them to prevent friction ) accumulates too much fluid , hindering the heart from pumping blood properly due to increased pressure on the heart .
What is the cause of cardiac tamponade ?
Several health issues can cause cardiac tamponade ( fluid in the heart ), such as :
• Infection of the pericardial sac
• Cancer
• Heart attack
• Autoimmune disease
• The body ’ s response to certain medicines
• Radiation treatment to the chest area
• Metabolic causes , such as chronic kidney failure , when the body has a buildup of fluid with toxins in it
• Trauma following open heart surgery
What are the symptoms of cardiac tamponade ? Symptoms can worsen as time goes on and are typically very severe :
• Chest pain
• Abnormal breathing
• Increased heart rate
• Fever
• Swelling in the arms and legs
• Pain in the upper right abdomen
How is cardiac tamponade diagnosed ?
The fastest , most non-invasive and easiest tool to use is an echocardiogram , which can observe the liquid around the heart and the heart ’ s movement . An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart that allows you to see the structure and function of the heart in real time .
How do you detect it in ultrasound ?
When viewing a person who has cardiac tamponade , you can see an anechoic strip appear around the pericardial space ( which is fluid ). You can also see the right ventricle collapsed and the collapsing of the IVC .
Why is an echocardiogram used first ?
An ultrasound is the best way to detect cardiac tamponade because the patient can die at any moment , and the fluid needs to be removed quickly . An echocardiogram can detect problems quickly , without moving a patient from place to place . They are less expensive to use , so a hospital can have more than one ( allowing them to treat patients more quickly ). Echocardiograms do not cut open the patient , leaving giant scars , or require needles . They do not involve radiation , which keeps the patient extra safe . They only require the sonographer to use ultrasound gels to scan the heart , which are also non-invasive .
Ahmed , M . ( 2017 , December 10 ). Echocardiogram vs . EKG – Explained by a cardiologist . MyHeart . https :// myheart . net / articles / echocardiogram-vs-ekg-explained-by-a-cardiologist
Cedars Sinai . ( n . d .). Cardiac tamponade . https :// www . cedars-sinai . org / health-library / diseases-andconditions / c / cardiac-tamponade . html
Models of the heart
Medical Sonography