Diabetes Help-90 Essential Nutrients To Control Glucose Levels Diabetes Help-90 Essential Nutrients To Control Gl | Page 33

29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand

29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand

26 . You read every article that promises ways to improve your glucose level , but they all end up being about prevention instead .

27 . According to TV commercials , it ’ s a good thing you ’ re young , because only old people get diabetes .

28 . There ’ s never been any butter in your refrigerator ’ s butter compartment — it ’ s used for storing insulin .

29 . To lick or to wipe ? That is the question .

Time for a more serious note . Diabetes can kill you and before you die there is a list of very ugly , painful things that can happen to you . Here listed are some of these horrible " things "

Blurry vision Nerve pain in your extremities Painful ulcers on your feet that don ' t heal

Impotence in men ( ouch ) Kidney failure , this is what my mother succumbed to Weird ugly rashes . I had one that spread over a large part of my body

29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand