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29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand

29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand

19 . You own 15 glucose meters , but you only use one .

20 . CSI would have a very hard time ‘ investigating the scene ’ at your house .

21 . You have two cases of juice boxes at home , and none of them are for your kids .

22 . You have to remind yourself that it isn ’ t polite to punch people who say ‘ diabeetus ’ in the face .

23 . The pharmacy is number one on your speed dial , and you ’ re on a �rst name basis with the pharmacist .

24 . People often say “ You can eat it , it ’ s sugar free !” about something that ’ s loaded with carbohydrates .

25 . Everyone asks you what to do about their ‘ noncompliant ’ diabetic spouse .

29 Things Only a Person with Diabetes Would Understand