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The vast majority of the whey protein available on the market contains sugar or artificial sweeteners . The best quality proteins come from grass-fed cows , and don ’ t contain artificial ingredients . So , make sure to choose your product well before buying it .
2 . Organic Coconut Oil
One incredible recent study has shown that restricting carbohydrates , sugars and alcohol while increasing healthy fats intake ( e . g . coconut oil ) can categorically eliminate type 2 diabetes .
With this in mind , coconut oil is ideal for eliminating type 2 diabetes , because it contains fatty acids which are not easily assimilated by our bodies .
Long chain polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower , corn or soy oils are very bad for our health . Coconut oil enables you to reduce your cravings for sugar or carbs , in order to improve your resistance to insulin , and is known to leave you feeling full .
Furthermore , the medium-chain fatty acids in this oil boost thermogenesis . This is a phenomenon which increases your metabolic rate - which accelerates weight loss ; a crucial element for type 2 diabetics !
Equally , studies carried out on populations which mainly use saturated fats such as coconut oil have a very low level of diabetes !
In 1998 , a study carried out in India showed that the areas which had abandoned traditional fats - such as coconut oil – and replaced them with fats which were popular in the West – such as sunflower oil , margarine , etc . – had an alarming rate of diabetes .
3 . Coconut Water
Coconut water is ideal for boosting your electrolytes ( minerals ) – they contain 5 of the electrolytes that you lose when you sweat .
In addition to this , coconut water is high in magnesium , a mineral which is lacking in the majority of type 2 diabetics . Note that its sweet taste is not harmful . Coconut water is suitable for type 2 diabetics , and this is why it has been included in some of the Super Drinks to counteract diabetes .
However , we shouldn ’ t confuse coconut water and coconut pulp ( or milk ), which contains a lot of sugars and fats , and which isn ’ t at all suitable for diabetics .
Instead , opt for green ( fresh ) coconut water – it ’ s high in important nutrients such as sodium , potassium , calcium , zinc , phosphorous and manganese .
Diabetes Freedom Main Manual