Flower Show
Saturday the 17th August
Oldhamstocks ?ower show is an open show that anybody can go
along to. There is an open compe on where you can enter, food,
cra s and ?oral art. The schedule gives details of everything you
can get involved in. Why not have a look and see what you could
All entries will be judged on the morning or the night before the
show. Lots of cups can be won as well as money prizes for 1st, 2nd
and 3rd place. At the show during the a ernoon, there is a tradi on?
al fell race (road running race), a dog show, fun children's races, lots
of stalls and much more. At? ?night there is even a dance that anyone
can go along too!
The Oldhamstocks is a brilliant show and is de?nitely worth going
along to this summer. To ?nd out more and read the show’s sched?
ule, go to h ps://sites.google.com/site/oldhamstocks/?ower?
By Katie Laughlin