DG 30 - November 2015 * | Page 45

The body can burn between 1500-2000 calories in one round (depending on how often we use the buggy or carry our own bag). Although your pre round consumption will aid in slow energy release, you should aim to consume further calories throughout the round to stop fatigue creeping in. A general guide line to follow is consume food every 4-5 holes or (1-1.5 hours) and sip water at every hole. Try to add variation buy eating proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Nuts, especially walnuts, Brazil nuts and almonds Fruits, apples, dates, raisins, bananas, plums, tomatoes (if you can eat them cleanly) Proteins, boiled eggs, jerky, Sandwiches (wholemeal) with chicken, eggs or fish (salmon is excellent). Protein shakes are perfect in these circumstances; however some can fill the body with unwanted additives, sugars and chemical stimulants. Try a home-made healthy smoothie and add protein powder. POST ROUND Firstly REHYDRATE! Secondly to really aid in a good muscle and energy recovery and provid the body with the help it needs to play efficiently the following day, aim to eat within a 45 minute window from leaving the course. TRY THIS HOMEMADE SMOOTHIE/ CHOCOLATE MILK RECIPE. Consume foods packed with proteins and complex carbohydrates. Certain proteins and carbs contain ‘tryptophan’, which is an amino acid, a protein building block which is not naturally produced in the body. This essential amino acid as well as aiding in repair also promotes feelings of calm, relaxation and sleepiness. Foods containing tryptophan include sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, seeds, nuts, fish , shellfish, beans, lentils, eggs, chicken and turkey (Which is why we all fall in to that post-Christmas turkey food coma!). 2-3 large ice cubes Ensure you have a healthy portion of the green stuff. Fresh fruits and vegetables filled with antioxidants will help tissue recovery and work towards counteracting any damage caused by sun exposure. Store in a flask to maintain as cold and sip slowly after you have completed your round Chocolate milk provides the body with the correct balance of protein and carbohydrate for muscle recovery, replacing quickly all the calories burned whilst playing providing the body with a faster rate of recovery. It is an ideal option if you know that post round you will not be eating within the 45 minute window. 1 large banana, frozen 1 cup semi skimmed dairy milk or Greek yoghurt 1 serving of protein powder 2 tablespoons good quality cocoa powder (2-3 cubes of diced quality dark chocolate - optional) Pinch of sea salt 1/4 tsp of peppermint extract or generous handful of peppermint leaves C facebook.com/YogaWorx [email protected] www.yogaworx4u.com Volume 3 • Issue 30 45