DG 30 - November 2015 * | Page 11

Destination GolfTravel 5 Euros The Golf Show in Northern Germany 05 – 07 Discount this vouchEr EnablEs you to EntEr at a rEDucED aDmission fEE of 10 instEaD of thE rEgular 15 Eur1) fEbruary 14th edition of the fair hansE golf 05 – 07 fEbruary 2016 shop & play hamburg mEssE hall a4, cEntral EntrancE Daily 10 am to 6 pm hansEgolf .com ✁ golf shops // golf simulators // EvEnt arEna intEractivE Workshops // WorlD of travEl inDoor Driving rangE // golf clubs anD ball fittings 1) Voucher valid for one person Destination GolfTravel 5 Euros The Golf Show in Southern Germany Discount 12 – 14 this vouchEr EnablEs you to EntEr at a rEDucED aDmission fEE of 10 instEaD of thE rEgular 15 Eur1) fEbruary golftagE münchEn 7th edition of the fair 12 – 14 fEbruary 2016 moc münchEn, liliEnthalallEE 40 Daily 10 am to 6 pm golf shops // golf simulators // EvEnt arEna intEractivE Workshops // WorlD of travEl inDoor Driving rangE // golf clubs anD ball fittings golftagE-muEnchEn.com ✁ shop & play 1) Voucher valid for one person