devry cis 339 entire course DEVRY CIS 339 iLab 4 Sequence, Communication, and | Page 2

Sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case Communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case State Machine diagram for a Registration object
STEP 2 : Create the Sequence Diagram
Create a sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case using the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment . Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution .
STEP 3 : Create a Communication Diagram
Create a communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case using the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment . Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution .
STEP 4 : Create an Object State Diagram
Create a state machine diagram for an object of the Registration class ( the class that maintains the registration of a student in a class ) using the Rational Software Architect software in the Citrix iLab environment . Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution .
STEP 5 : Save and Upload the Project