Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 46
Remember Me!
Saturday, March 24th
Psalm 25:7
“Satan!” Peter still couldn’t fathom that Jesus had called him Satan! Surely Jesus didn’t mean it.
Couldn’t he see that Peter was just trying to save him from the Pharisees who were plotting to take
Jesus’ life?
“You of little faith!” Peter’s faith wasn’t little, was it? Had anyone else walked on water in the middle of
a storm? Did any of the other disciples even try to get out of the boat like he had? Yet it still wasn’t
good enough for Jesus, who asked him, “Why did you doubt?”
Three betrayals? No way! Surely the teacher was mistaken! Peter vehemently protested that he would
never forsake the Lord, even if everyone else did. In fact, as they headed toward the Garden to pray,
Peter took a sword along and resolved, that if n