Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Lent 2018 | Page 45
The Savior Sings
Friday, March 23rd
Psalm 130
As his earthly ministry was coming to an end, Jesus made the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem one
last time. We can imagine, as was the Jewish custom, that Jesus, Peter, Judas, and the rest of the
disciples sang the Psalms of Ascent as they climbed the mountainous road to the City of David for the
annual Passover Festival. Likely, they would have sung these words from Psalm 130, “If you, Lord,
kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with
reverence, serve you.”
For these men called by Jesus, Holy Week seemed like madness! They watched Jesus enter Jerusalem
to joyful shouts of “Hosanna,” and yet they knew all the while that the Pharisees were plotting to kill
Jesus and might come after them, too. Tension rose throughout the week as Jesus repeatedly preached
at the temple courtyards, growing more and more direct with his warnings against the self-righteous
religious leaders. Finally, Thursday night came, providing some quiet time for Jesus and his disciples
to relax and enjoy the Passover celebration together. Yet, even at this sacred dinner, there was to be no
rest. Jesus spoke of death at the hands of his enemies, abandonment by his friends, and in the case of
Peter and Judas, outright betrayal.
Though the disciples could scarcely believe these terrible predictions, within just a few hours it had all
come true! When the Shepherd was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, all his sheep scattered.
The next day, as they hid in the darkest places of Jerusalem, news reached them that their Lord was
dying on a tree - alone! To make matters worse, the devil had tempted one of them into such guilt and
despair that he (Judas) had taken his own life. The tempter came to the rest of the disciples as well.
With the same voice of doubt and condemnation that whispered to Judas, he whispered to them. And
he also wants to whisper to us. “Look at the terrible things you’ve done. Do you really think that God
will forgive you?”
It is in those moments, hiding in the darkness like the disciples, that we must listen closely for another
voice. Like a shepherd out looking for his lost sheep at night, the voice of Jesus – the voice of Truth -
calls for you by name. He isn’t angry or shouting. In fact, surprisingly, the Good Shepherd is singing.
He is singing the words of Psalm 130. “With [me] there is forgiveness...with [me] is unfailing
love...with [me] is full redemption” (vs. 4,7). Just as the Lord graciously appeared to the disciples on
Easter Sunday and said the words their souls longed to hear, “Peace be with you,” may the Lord bring
his peace to you this Lenten season through the words of Psalm 130 and other beautiful portions of
Prayer: Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned, sometimes unknowingly but more often than not by
choice. Forgive me, and create in me a new heart, O God, that I may serve you all my days. In Jesus’
name. Amen.
Activity: On your computer or cellphone, go to YouTube and search, “Sons of Korah Psalm 130” and
enjoy this very beautiful Psalm put to music!