Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 39
Those Broken Can Take Heart
Monday, January 1st
John 16:33
Already in the new year you’re probably feeling renewed. There’s something refreshing about entering a
new year, turning the calendar, and seeing January 1 as the date. It allows us to feel like there’s so much
possibility, there’s so much potential.
But any honest evaluation of previous years would show that years never really turn out the way we wish
or expect. We live in a broken world. That means we will be broken at times too by the world. The
potential that the beginning of the year brings turns into job loss. The possibility that a new year starts
with quickly can fade into health issues or financial problems no one saw coming. We end up broken. No
peace. Feeling only the trouble of the world.
Take heart! Those are Jesus’ words to you. Take heart as you look to your Savior this day and all year
long. Your potential and possibility are connected to him. But in Christ this is not a worldly hope, like
something that might happen. Christ makes potential and possibility a reality. He doesn’t guarantee a
year without job loss, health or financial problems. But Jesus does make you this promise. Like last year
and the one before that, your year will have you at peace with God. Peace because the Savior has
overcome the world.
It was during his own life on earth that Jesus looked broken by the world. He had few friends. He had no
place of rest. He didn’t have worldly treasure or the trappings of fame. Jesus suffered and died a
criminal’s death. But it was all that, the brokenness of his humility, that gives you peace. Christ Jesus has
overcome the world. He has defeated sin, death, and Satan in your place. You have peace even though
you may have trouble. You have peace with God. You have his promises. Take heart Christ has overcome
the world for you!
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for the victory of peace that you won for me and have given to me freely. Help
me to remember that peace on those days when I am feeling broken down by the world. Remind me that
it only looks like I’m defeated, like I’m broken. I can take heart in your promises of grace because you have
overcome the world. Amen.
Activity: What is on your list of New Year’s resolutions for this year? What spiritual resolutions have you
set? Might your list include a resolution to grow in your ability to take heart because Christ has overcome
the world? What might you do to make that happen?