Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 38
Those Broken Will Never Die
Sunday, December 31st
John 11:25-26
On the last calendar day of 2017, after counting off another 365 days, is reality setting in? Everything is
another year along. We’re all going to be one year older. The cars we drive are another model year older.
The cell phones we carry are one year closer to being obsolete. At the change of a year it seems we mark
time passing even more. But for anyone who spent 2017 broken by the world, time has been in a constant
state of being counted.
For every moment we spent working ourselves to the point of exhaustion, just so we could keep up with
the world around us, we only realize all too clearly that taking a vacation day is a long way off. Every
moment we spent grinding away at school projects or continuing education credits, just so we could get
the grade or make the extra money, only crystalized how much we’ve stayed the same. Another year,
another day, another hour, it really doesn’t seem to matter. Every one of them has been tough and we feel
Stop and think about Jesus’ promise of heaven as he spoke it to Martha. Do you think we’ll count off years
in heaven? I don’t think so. Why would we have to? There won’t be a need. Eternity lasts a long time and
perfection doesn’t need to be tracked. With our sins forgiven in Christ, we won’t spend a moment in
heaven broken. Every day, every hour, every second is going to be perfect. Jesus pro