Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 25
Our Cornerstone Christ
Wednesday, December 20th
Psalm 118:22
Have you ever felt rejected? I can remember as a young man, picking teams for a school-yard kickball
game, and seeing the look on my good friend's face as he was picked last. He felt unwanted,
unappreciated, and rejected.
Rejected would be an all too fitting of a description of so many in the world that you and I live, wouldn't it?
Many deal with the struggle depression and not feeling worth anything at all. Others constantly fight the
battle of racial segregation and continuously work to "fit in" with the social norm. Still others are rejected
by their own families- the ones that are supposed to love them the most!
Rejected is, unfortunately, how many see themselves, and often times it's a hard title to shake. If we can
correctly analyze many human beings in this way, then how much so was this true for the King of Kings
and Lord of Lords?
Jesus' purpose on earth was never a mystery. Even before he was born, recall how an angel told Joseph
what Jesus' purpose was- "You are to give him the name Jesus, for he will save his people from their
sins." (Matt. 1:21) His purpose was so clear, so there is no way he could be rejected as the incarnate Christ,
Reading Scripture to those in his hometown, they sought to throw him off of a cliff. Preaching the truth, he
was dubbed as a blasphemer and false Christ. Performing miracles, many wanted to make him an earthly
Reaching God's people with life-giving Word—one moment they were shouting "Hail to the Son of David",
and the next they were shouting "crucify"! Why would Christ be willing to undergo so much rejection?
So that you wouldn't have to. Jesus willingly went underwent mental and physical abuse, because his
goal wasn't his protection, it was yours. On that very cross, Jesus paid the price for all the anguish, pain,
and rejection you have experienced. He experienced rejection so we would not have to carry the title
"rejected" into eternity. For a world full of broken and rejected humans, there is no greater comfort than
to know that even though he was rejected, the Lord of all grace is our capstone. He holds us together day
in and day out, and will never let us fall. He grants us a peace like any other, for nothing can separate us
from the love of Christ!
Prayer: God of grace and mercy, I have often been rejected by those of this world. I praise and thank you
for undergoing rejection, all so that I could receive your love through Christ. Grant me peace and comfort
in the chief cornerstone as my rock and my salvation. Amen
Activity: Ask those around you how they have been rejected in their lives. Then use the devotion passage
to be reminded how God never has or will reject or leave us.