Peace for God ’ s Little Lambs
Isaiah 40:11
Tuesday , December 19th
Does power scare you ? When placed into a position of power , many take advantage and see themselves as a dictator , making those underneath them submit to whatever the leader deems is right . Does it scare you that the Sovereign LORD reigns in power ? Because that ' s exactly what Isaiah 40:10 says .
The Lord , however , does not rule like so many human rulers do . Yes , he rules in power , but also in lovewhich is exactly why he follows the notion of the LORD ruling in power , with the picture of a shepherd tending his flock . This verse does not contradict Isaiah 40:10 , but rather completes it . We now have a fuller picture of our God- that he is not only ruling on our behalf , but everything God does has one goal , and that is to bring us to the perfect peace that comes from living in his presence .
After being brow-beaten day in and day out with our personal battle with sin , he wants to treat us as a loving shepherd , holding us close and cradling us in our weakness . He even loves us so much that he invites us to live with him forever in eternal peace- a peace that neither you or I can grasp with our human minds .
This peace is something that I crave , and I ' m guessing you do too . He gives us this peace by giving us repentant hearts , a perfect promise of salvation , and the daily encouragement in his Word .
Yes our God is so incredibly powerful , and we thank him that he is . Because he uses that power daily to command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways . He uses that power to fight the devil off , because you are his own . You are his precious sheep that he loves dearly . Don ' t let God ' s power scare you- let it bring you comfort .
Are we broken ? Yes . Are we loved ? There is no doubt . Let this bring you comfort every single day . God ' s peace be with you all . Amen .
Prayer : God of all power and might , bring me comfort in my brokenness . May it bring me to my knees , resting only in the grace and glory of the Good Shepherd . What love you have shown me ! Bring me close to you each day in your Word and let me rest in your almighty arms . In Jesus ' saving name- Amen !
Activity : As an individual or family , make a list of the 4 verbs that Isaiah uses to describe God ' s love in this verse . Then discuss the comfort in each word as he brings peace to the broken .