Teen Talk
It is your responsibility to find out who you are as an individual. It is very dangerous to base your identity on the people around you. Once you have decided to step back and reevaluate your relationships, then you can go forward in life. In the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, there were a number of times when God withdrew. He was still fully present, but He would become quiet and wait. God is a gentleman; He does not force Himself upon us. He gives us the space to grow and breathe. He gives us a chance to realise who we are and also what is going on in our hearts. We can do exactly the same thing. Step back, give each other space, and watch how God reveals great things about who you are as a person – alone!
Here’s some tips to help you overcome this fear of being alone:
Steps to take: 1. First recognise that you are soul mates, not cellmates. Soul mates are people who give each other space. Cellmates, hence the name, are people who are trapped in a situation. They feel like they are in prison, and simply cannot get out. They feel trapped. yourself, “Do we have to do everything together?” When you spend all your time together, you become a little too possessive (stalker ALERT!), clingy, and jealous. Are those traits showing up regularly?
Vicki Fourie
Miss Deaf International 2010 1st Princess Motivational speaker at schools, functions & events Cantact Vicki: [email protected] Follow Vicki on Twitter: @VickiFourie Visit her blog: www.vickifourie.blogspot.com
Talk it over. Do not attack each other. Stay calm!
Sit down together somewhere, where there are no distractions or noises. Be appreciative of the fact that your friend (or girlfriend, boyfriend, parent, etc.) has always been there for you, no matter what. Then gently tell this person that you feel it is time to give each other a little space. Do not do it in a way that says, ‘I need space!’ Include your partner. ‘We both need space so that we can develop our full potential.’
Do things alone. Make a deal with your friend. Compromise. Work out a plan. Instead of doing everything together in your spare time, start by doing some things alone. Or spend time with other friends that you have neglected.
Sources: Too Close Too Soon by Jim Talley & Bobbie Reed; WikiHow.com