Devoted Issue 5 1 | Page 26

Teen Talk Soulmate Versus Cellmate By Vicki Fourie Andy has no life of his own. He merely exists. He tends to fret and worry about those closest to him: His girlfriend, parents, friends, and even his sister. He does not want to be alone. He hates being alone! Whenever his friends wants to visit their other friends, he completely freaks out. It makes him wonder, ‘Am I not good enough for them anymore? Why do they want to make new friends?’ Every time his mother goes out shopping, he asks, ‘Why is she wasting her time with frivolous things? Am I not important to her?’ His whole world revolves around others. He cannot live without them. He is an example of a psycho. Well, not completely, but almost! Have you ever felt smothered in relationships? Are there a few Andys in your life? Are you an Andy yourself? Whatever the case may be, God intended for us to live life freely, without limits. God does not want us to feel overcrowded. He wants us to be free. To have space to be yourself. To just be. However, God intended for us to be surrounded by people. By friends, colleagues and family. But we tend to overdo it. We have to do everything with our family or friends. We cannot imagine going to the movies ALONE. We have a fear of being alone. We turn into Andys ourselves. Studies have shown that if one person spends too much time with just one other individual, they both burnt out. They grow prematurely in their beings and emotions. When couples spend all their time together it is actually considered unhealthy. The relationship becomes unnatural and practically forced. If you feel trapped in a relationship, it is time to step back and re-evaluate it. Do you spend too much time with your boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, parents, etc.? If you were stranded on an island, would you be able to cope on your own? Think of the movies Cast Away & Robinson Crusoe. Are you independent? Or too dependant? Do y ou ne ed with someon to be e all time? the