Developing Critical Thinking Skills | Page 28

Summary / conclusions
The Validity of the jane ® Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments
r = 0.827 . The Pearson Correlation Coefficient ranges from negative one to positive one . A correlation coefficient near zero indicates no relationship between the variables . A correlation coefficient of 0.20 - 0.30 ( either positive or negative ) is considered a weak correlation . A correlation coefficient between 0.40 – 0.60 ( either positive or negative ) is indicative of a moderate relationship . A correlation coefficient of 0.80 or higher ( either positive or negative ) demonstrates that the two variables are strongly related . Thus , the results of the study indicated that there was a significant , strong positive relationship between jane ’ s evaluative scores and the human ( RN ) ratings .

Summary / conclusions

The purpose of the study was to investigate the validity of jane as an evaluative tool to assess the critical thinking / judgment of nurses . Twenty-eight complete evaluation sets were used in the study . jane scores were compared to the scores of a trained RN rater . It was found that there was a strong relationship between jane ratings and human ratings . Thus , the construct validity of jane has been established by this study .
The Established Validity of PBDS It is important to ensure that the instrument to which jane ® is being compared has established reliability and validity . The following section summarizes the psychometric information of PBDS .
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