commitment to identifying and protecting unique natural features is essential to Nicks vision for all design projects .
“ My business ventures are like my career as a player . I have found that I must be all in to ensure I achieved my goals . Faldo Design is no different , I now have the time , passion
and dedication to get out in the field more . I have always loved being hands on with my design team , having a dedicated team is essential and I have been partnered with architects like Gareth Williams and Andy Hagar who have been my core architects for the past decade . I am also rekindling my design partnership with Steve Smyers and Paul Jansen as we expand . We are looking to bring in younger talent as we look to the future of the game , collaborating with great talent and creative minds , yields the greatest products and that is my focus for the next few decades designing courses around the world .”
Faldo is actively designing and constructing courses in several countries . Asia is still the