Destination Exotica Feb 2017 20000 | Page 49

You seek a real revolution of the mind , and this could mean a physical journey to achieve this . Your mind is in the process of expanding . But by mid month just be aware of maintaining boundaries as some ideas could be turn out unhelpful in the long run .
Your own creativity may feel stifled , but now is the time to sit back and watch , observe and listen . Any seasonal health problems will no longer worry you as the month rolls on . You will find your thoughts distracted – relationships will be on your mind . Keep things platonic if possible , as getting too deep too soon leads to delusion , and pain .
( August 23 to September 22 ) Virgo ’ s sex drive may be quite strong right now . You may feel unusually drawn to darker desires than normal . You want to revolutionize stagnant deep parts of yourself . Just be careful not to get mixed up within a romantic delusion . This could bring pain and confusion later in the month . Your material world has felt in balance , but don ’ t get too confident as the month continues as you could risk some debt . Home life feels a little dull and “ same old same old .” Your thoughts will drift from creative endeavors to more practical health matters .
( September 23 to October 22 ) You are feeling overwhelmed with longing for a love connection right now . Someone that shakes up your thinking is most appealing . You have been feeling really good about yourself . But don ’ t let this turn into too much vanity , as by the middle of the month it might leave you feeling insecure .
Your rationality feels like a grumpy party pooper and you may only be listening to your heart and not your head . Romantic thinking makes you feel childlike . Don ’ t let this cause your health to suffer . Remember love is about our service to others , not just the way it feels good when someone loves us . This is the key to not ending up in pain from the transits this month .
( October 23 to November 22 ) You find security and love in the service of others this month . You see this as your contribution to a world revolution . In this you are highly driven . Even if you feel small and restricted , you see this as a fail proof way to use this for good .
Your ego is in the perfect state . Materially you feel restricted , and home is where you feel limited to center your service – on family . Creatively you may start to feel a little disillusioned , but have faith – great healing is taking place .
( November 23 to December 22 ) You are creatively on fire , like a child with a brand new paint set . You want to spread rainbows of revolution and love across the universe . You have thrown yourself into community work completely over the past month . This month however you must be careful of not over-estimating your abilities .
Everyone has limits . Any material worries that may have filled your thoughts will alleviate . You will become consumed instead with communicating with those around you . There may be a little heartache at home . But pay some emotional attention , and healing should occur .
( December 22 to January 19 ) Capricorn may likely feel drawn to the home , as it feels like that is where the heart is right now . You have renewed energy to complete domestic tasks and tend to your family . You have been experiencing career success , however as the month rolls on try not to take it for granted . You don ’ t want to over-estimate , as your boundaries are still a bit too much in your blind side . Your thinking will transfer to the material world you dwell in , and how you can bring attention to it . Just be careful not to fall victim to painful delusions .
( January 20 to February 18 ) You may want to speak about your passions more than usual right now . Your love of learning is strong . Your mind has been expanding exponentially out of the box . But as the month rolls on , don ’ t let it drift into realms you aren ’ t ready for . You are appearing to others as a fast talker right now . Everything you have to say is able to change the world , in your typical Aquarian style . Be careful not to let anyone con you during your communication bonanza . We know that less is more to an Aquarian . But sometimes we need the material gifts we have received for spiritual endeavors .
( February 19 to March 20 ) Pisces is feeling unusually materialistic right now . Try and get drawn towards the tools that enhance your spirituality and contribute to universal love . You have been dabbling in the dark side over the past month . But as February continues , don ’ t dip your toes in too deep , or you may gaze into the abyss .
This is especially important as your thinking may feel distant . You won ’ t be able to define your experiences . This could lead to a slight existential crisis , so make sure you meditate on healing as much as possible . De
february 2017 | destination exotica 49