Destination Exotica Feb 2017 20000 | Page 45

choose . Consider the menu and choose your food carefully . Most restaurants offer choices of side orders of greens , soups , salads and grilled meats , which are always a healthier option as opposed to their heavier variants of pastas , pizzas , or Indian breads . So choose wisely .
Carry a water bottle
Travelling by air or on long road trips and staying in hotels often results in dehydration . Exposing your body to germs , different temperatures , and changing heights incur significant damage on your skin and general body water levels . Carry a water bottle with you in cabs , to meetings , and to have handy when thirst kicks in .
Simple exercises that can be done in the hotel room
Travelling sometimes could imply a busy and hectic schedule , and you may not be able to plan ahead and choose a hotel that has a fitness centre . Well , all we need is 30 minutes to get the blood pumping and metabolism going – which can be done in the absence of a fitness centre too . Pack in a jump rope and put it to use . Yoga , functional training , simple lunges and squats , or even a walk are great ways to pack in some exercise .
Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep makes it easier to deal with stress . Sleep is as important as what we eat or how much we exercise . When we get enough rest , it supports our creativity and helps us deal with our moods . It can help balance our digestion system , boost our immune
systems , and even improve our cardiovascular health . Keep a calming bedtime ritual and routine that you can use to lull your body to sleep , even if the time zone is different .
On a regular day , we can stick to our routine pretty effectively , however , when we are travelling , even the smallest change can be sufficient to spoil things . To add on , we are “ too busy ” to exercise , and we allow ourselves to eat anything we want “ because we are travelling ”. A health coach becomes our ally , and provides ongoing support and motivation to achieve a balanced healthy life while we are travelling . Once we have that focus , our journey , and that includes the one to better health as well , gets much easier . De
The writer is Founder & CEO of Wellness Jiva .
february 2017 | destination exotica 45