Destination Exotica Feb 2017 20000 | Page 44

Wellness Window

Health on the Go !

In the whirlwind of travel plans , we often tend to ignore our health and skin . Here are few easy ways with which you can keen a tab on your health and looks on the go !

The world is truly shrinking for us today , as we zip across the globe with rushed and hectic travel plans . While travel expands the mind , exposes us to new cultures and cuisines , and permits us a break from the humdrum routine , it can take an overwhelming toll on our health needs . Our typical routine gets totally tossed out the window when travelling , as we have to compromise with many of our food choices . Likewise , travelling across time zones ,

Preeti Rao
as well as early or late flights can wreak havoc on our sleep schedule .
However , all is not lost , staying fit while travelling ought not to be complicated . All we need is to have a healthy attitude , take care of ourselves , and keep things simple . If possible , you should , before travel , visit your health coach who can collaboratively create a holistic health and wellness plan for your travels . Here are 5 tips to stay fit and healthy through the travel schedule while enjoying the trip –
Carry healthy snacks
Whether travelling by car , train or plane you can still settle for healthy choices . Carry some healthy and simple snacks that are easy to store and carry and stuffed with healthy nutrients . This way you can avoid snacking on unhealthy options when you actually feel hungry .
Make healthy eating choices while dining out
Eating at a restaurant should not have to sabotage your healthy routine . Before you go out to eat , if possible , consider where you will eat and what you will
44 destination exotica | february 2017