Designer+Builder February 2015 Blissful Moments from SAYA and Sthapatheeyam | Page 9

> kmb tIm¨^-d≥kv B¿°n-sSIv‰v cmPv tdhmƒ DZvLm-S\w sNøp∂p U≥jy¬ C‚o-cn-tbgvkv hn`m-KØn¬ B¿°nsSIv ‰ v hn{Iw cmP- t i- J - ≥ , tIU≥kv (_mw-•q¿), entPm tPmkv & sd\n entPm (Xr-iq¿), \u^¬ kn lmjnw (-tIm-gn-t°m-Sv) F∂n-h¿ bYm{Iaw H∂pw c≠pw aq∂pw ÿm\-߃ t\Sn. B¿°n- s SIv ‰ v Iokv kv ] m t©gvkv hnP-bn-Iƒ°v kΩm-\-߃ \¬In. dkn- U ≥kv hn`m- K - Ø n¬ B¿°n-sSIv‰v hnPbv \mcm-bm-W≥ Transcendence: Beyond Boundaries was the theme for the inaugural edition of SAYA’15. The two-day conference was designed as a platform for students of architecture and young architects to seek, identify & embody through their ideas, the subtle dichotomies of BOUNDARIES. Are walls created for the express purpose of forming a shell separating the inside from the outside? Can a connect between ‘in and out’ be established in a manner that encompasses all senses and not just the visual? Does a roof over one’s head have to keep out the elements? Is it possible to ever be truly alive in a space that insulates its occupants from their most primal ties to land & sky, wind & water? 24 / Unssk-\¿ + _n¬U¿ / s^{_p-hcn 2015 (_mw•q¿), B¿°n-sSIv‰v hn{Iw cmPti-J¿ (-_mw-•q¿), B¿°n-sSIv‰v \ncRvP≥ kn hmcy¿ (-sIm-√w), B¿°nsSIv‰v B¬_n≥ t]mƒ (Xr-iq¿), B¿°n-sSIv‰v apl-ΩZv Bjn-Iv(-tImgn-t°m-Sv), B¿°n-sSIv‰v sU∂nkv tP°- _ v (- s Im- ® n), B¿°n- s SIv ‰ v A_vZp-≈°p-´n (-tIm-gn-t°m-Sv) F∂n-hcpsS t{]mP-I‰p-Iƒ Pqdn-bpsS {]tXyI v ]cm- a ¿i- Ø n\v A¿l- a m- b n. dknU≥jy¬ C‚o-cn-tbgvkv hn`m-KØn¬ B¿°n-sSIv‰v cmtPjv inh-dmw (-_mw•q¿), B¿°n-sSIv‰v sU∂nkv tP°_v (-sIm-®n), B¿°n-sSIv‰v kpPnXv sI \tS-jv (-sIm-®n), B¿°n-sSIv‰v kptN-Xv ]mem´v & inhm\nIp-am¿ (_mw•q¿), B¿°n-sSIv‰v hcp¨ Pn. sI. (tImgn- t °m- S v), B¿°n- s SIv‰v B¬_n≥ t]mƒ (Xr»q¿), B¿°nsSIv‰v hn\bv taml≥ (-tIm-gn-t°m-Sv) F∂n-hcpsS t{]mP-Iv‰p-Iƒ Pqdn-bpsS {]tXyI ]cm-a¿i-Øn\v A¿l-am-bn.