Design Buy Build Issue 64 2023 | Page 65

COLD SOLID WALLS & HEAT LOSS Insulate cold homes with Sempatap Thermal

Sempatap Thermal is insulation on a roll , as quick and easy as wallpaper to apply . It has been extensively used in the UK and Europe for over 30 years .
Sempatap Thermal can be installed without having to decant the tenants and has been used by Local Authorities , Housing Associations and private homeowners throughout the UK .
Sempatap Thermal can be decorated with virtually anything – emulsion paint , wallpaper , even tiled and has a life expectancy of 30 years .
The application of Sempatap Thermal will dramatically lower the “ U ” value of the wall presenting a surface on which condensation will not form and preventing the likelihood of mould growth occurring .
Sempatap Thermal is the economical solution to insulating cold solid walls .
Once applied to the walls / ceilings in a property it substantially reduces heat loss , saves on heating bills and rooms immediately feel warmer .
For current offers and promotions visit our website www . mgcltd . co . uk
MOULD GROWTH CONSULTANTS LIMITED For further help , information and advice please telephone our sales office on 01372 743334 or email info @ mgcltd . co . uk website www . mgcltd . co . uk