Everybody in the country is acutely aware of the astronomical increases , 45 %, in gas and electricity prices – households throughout the country are suffering and the plight of solid wall homes appears to be even more desperate . Improving the thermal efficiency of solid wall properties has largely been ignored mainly because the solutions have been very expensive and very disruptive hence , the title “ hard to heat homes ”.
The UK ’ s housing stock is estimated at approximately 25 million homes , 36 % are solid wall constructed – solid brick , solid stone , pre 1944 timber frame and non-traditional , concrete construction ( PRC ’ s ). These homes are generally energy inefficient ; an unfilled cavity wall loses approximately 35 % of heat – a solid wall loses a staggering 45-50 %.
Fuel poverty is a major issue that the Government has made a commitment to eliminate in vulnerable groups and to end it altogether by the year 2030 . It is currently estimated that there are up to 3.26 million ( Oct 22 ) households now in fuel poverty and this figure is expected to rise even further with the continued increase in the cost of living . 66 % of these households live in solid wall homes , the majority of which are vulnerable householders , therefore , the most vulnerable families live in the most fuel inefficient properties .
Illnesses such as influenza , heart disease and strokes are all exacerbated by the cold . Exposure to cold results in a 30 % increase in the death rate in the UK . Solid wall homes are also more prone to condensation , which results in black mould growth on the walls and ceilings , which is also a very serious health risk causing upper respiratory infections – asthma and bronchial complaints .
Sempatap Thermal is quick and easy to apply and at only 10mm thick it can be installed without having to vacate the property , it can even be applied on a DIY basis . It has been tested by the National Physical Laboratory and figures from the Building Research Establishment show considerable energy saving and it has a life expectancy of 30 years .
Sempatap Thermal is a unique insulation material which has been extensively used in the UK and Europe for over 30 years and installed in 1000s of flats and houses . It is insulation on a roll as easy as wallpaper to apply , and can be decorated with virtually anything – wallpaper , emulsion paint , even tiled .
Once applied to the walls / ceilings Sempatap Thermal substantially reduces heat loss , saves on heating bill expenditure and rooms immediately feel warmer .
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