Panasonic Unveils Revolutionary
New Etherea Air Conditioning Range
Panasonic has relaunched its Etherea
range with an innovative new line of
products. The new Z and XZ domestic
air conditioning units are a brand new
design: sleek, compact and modern,
suitable for any interior. They are also
the first air conditioning products from
Panasonic that have been fully optimised
to contain the R32 refrigerant, offering
the most efficient performance, and so
are more environmentally friendly than
ever before.
R32 refrigerant with low Global
Warming Potential (GWP)
Outstanding efficiency A+++ / A++
Comfort features – super quiet
technology – only 19dB(A)
Sleek, compact design
Nanoe i air-purifying system and
Econavi sensors with Z range
Panasonic has launched two new ranges
of domestic air conditioning units that are
a huge step forward in air conditioning
unit design, perfectly complementing its
existing Etherea line up. The high spec Z
and XZ range features the white Z7SKE,
Z9SKE, Z12SKE, Z15SKE and Z18SKE
indoor wall-mounted models, and the
silver XZ7SKE, XZ9SKE, XZ12SKE,
and XZ18SKE units.
unobstrusive, but also more compact than
ever before. With this clean, fresh, white
design, the Panasonic Z range leads the
market in its appearance, ensuring that
wherever the units are installed they
won’t impact on the look and feel of the
interior aesthetic.
The unobtrusive and sleek design of the
new Etherea range is echoed in the noise
levels at which it operates. The new
Z and XZ ranges are incredibly quiet,
operating at 19dB(A), to offer the utmost
comfort to the end user. This ultra-low
level of noise is equivalent to night-time
in the counrtyside, ensuring that the air
conditioning units cause no disturbance
to sleep or distraction in the office
Whilst other systems use refrigerant
R410A as standard, Panasonic’s new
Etherea products use the environmentally
friendly R32 alternative. R32 is a single
component refrigerant which means
it is easy to recycle, and it also has a
much lower impact on global warming,
reducing the effect on global warming by
67%. By utilising this refrigerant in its
new products, Panasonic is responding
to customers needs and industry
The new Z range of Etherea products has
been fundamentally redesigned to suit
the interior of any home or commerical
property. The sleek new design of
the units means they are not only
The Z range includes Panasonic’s
EcoNavi sensor and Nanoe i air purifying
system. Econavi features an in-built
human activity sensor and a new sunlight
detection technology to adjust output,
therefore providing the best comfort
at all times, whilst still saving energy.
Econavi not only optimises air flow
orientation and volume, according to
human presence, it also reduces cooling
power automatically by no/less sunshine.
With Econavi, energy savings of up to
38% are possible.
Furthermore, the Nanoe i revolutionary
air-purifying system utilises
nanotechnology fine particles to remove
and deactivate 99% of both airborne and
adhesive micro-organisms like bacteria,
viruses and mould.
In addition to updating its Etherea range,
Panasonic has unveiled its new TZ range
of air conditioning units, which includes
the TZ9-SKE, TZ12-SK, TZ15-SKE
TZ18-SKE and TZ24-SKE wall mounted
units. The TZ range also uses the new
refrigerant R32, making it one of the
most efficient and environmentally
friendly units on the market. Its near
silent operation, at 20dB(A), means
that if offers exceptional comfort for
end users, without compromising
performance. The TZ models are
powerful and efficient, with an
outstanding energy ranking of A++/A+.
The new models are sleek and compact
in design, making specifying these units
an easy decision.
For more information, please visit