DBB0115002 The Henley Fan V16:Layout 1
Heating, Ventilation & Insulation
Café Rouge
Rouge loves
Hunter ceiling
ceiling fans.
Why not
not try
try them?
Inta Goes HIPER For Heat Interface Units
Inta has introduced its ‘HIPER’ high performance heat
interface unit (HIU), designed to deliver heating and hot
water whilst improving energy efficiency and minimising
costs in multi-dwelling developments.
Installed in shared residential buildings, the HIU
distributes heating and domestic hot water from a central
plant system to individual properties. By removing the
need for each area to have a conventional boiler, gas flue
and hot water cylinder, the interface units dramatically
reduce build costs for developers.
Inta has worked to develop a product that has more
features and benefits than any other HIU on the market.
With Inta’s HIPER HIU, landlords can integrate
renewable energy sources into the system, shrinking the
size of a building’s carbon footprint and reducing energy
costs for tenants, as well as improving reliability.
To find out more about Inta’s comprehensive range of
plumbing and heating products visit www.intatec.co.uk
or call 01889 272180.
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Passivhaus Design Maintains Indoor
Environment Using Omnie MVHR
With less than 400 PassivHaus certified properties so far
completed across the UK, the ultra-low energy standard from
Germany can still be viewed as nascent in this country,
though there are many compliant components and technologies available to assist in these designs: such as the
mechanical ventilation and heat recovery system offered
by Omnie.
The highly efficient Passive house certified CA550 heat
recover unit (HRU) has in fact just been installed as a
crucial element to the building services within a private
residential property under construction near Tiverton in
Devon. Gale & Snowden is the specialist architectural
consultant and passive house designer responsible for
the specification process
Gale & Snowden identified the HRU as being the most
appropriate, low energy model on the market for the project
and the fact that Omnie is an Exeter based company also
fitted with our ethos of trying to buy local.
Stylish Radiators
With the designer radiator industry growing rapidly, the
quest to find a heater that offers both function and an
innovative design feature is becoming much easier.
We now display in our showroom and supply nationwide,
designer radiators that integrate LED lighting systems to
add a certain wow factor!
We have styles to suit most decors; Be it the Enix Palma,
its form mimics a palm tree with colour changing top pegs
or the classy Enix Mango-Light that creates a beautiful
showpiece with its chrome finished LED downlights.
Please contact our friendly sales team to discuss your
designer radiator requirements.
Visit our website for further information www.omnie.co.uk
For further information please call–
Tel: 0121 378 3290
Fax: 012