Design & Build 10 | Page 30

Design Unfortunately, perception is some- thing that can be blown out of pro- portion. The few who cause damage tend to taint the reputation of the ma- jority of those whose work is all above board. “The few individuals that cause damage to the industry can be traced to the same small circle of people who have been operating in the industry for decades. These are the ones that ride on the political bandwagon for their own personal gain resulting in poli- tics and policies being compromised.” Chetcuti is confident that the major- ity of entrepreneurs are honest busi- ness people who play by the rules. So the industry will need to rely heavily on them to redevelop the confidence and feel-good factor to regain a good reputation abroad. Technology, par- ticularly social media, can be used to Malta’s benefit, enabling positive outcomes to quickly translate into good news. So what would the recommendation be for entrepreneurs in 2020? There should definitely be a slowing down approach, particularly in the initial months of the year. It is im- perative that the industry works to- gether so that further negativity is not created. Over-exposed investments are also to be avoided; such a situa- tion would prolong recovery. So the best strategy, in Chetcuti’s opinion would be to consolidate operations and work towards bringing back that feel-good factor that was felt in the earlier months of 2019. “Where there is good, positive energy then we must build on it, where things are not doing well then we must not be afraid to speak up and make peo- ple aware. The Malta Developers’ As- sociation has always stressed the im- portance of achieving the common good, where benefits are reaped by all and not just a few favoured individu- als. This must not happen again” Chetcuti feels strongly about the impact that such individuals have left the industry with. Repetitive- ly, these people have benefited from aggressive incentives that were deemed to be developed for them. These actions have of course caused upset, disbelief and negativity amongst those people who, though not falling within the poverty line, were not liv- ing comfortably, required help to obtain social housing and ended up not yet getting that assistance. 2020 will bring a new administra- tion, a new prime minister. These changes will bring with them oppor- tunities to do things better Technology, particularly social media, can be used to Malta’s benefit enabling positive outcomes to quickly translate into good news. 2020 has brought in new adminis- tration, and a new prime minister. These changes will bring with them opportunities to do things better. 28 ISSUE 10 WWW.DESIGNANDBUILD.COM.MT