Design & Build 10 | Page 29

Design 2 020 needs to be seen as a new page in a new chapter for Mal- ta, where the positive results that were achieved so far will continue to be further built upon, always look- ing in the longer term. worse, nothing is learnt from the mis- takes made and therefore one keeps on going on as if nothing has happened. This is definitely not the course the Association wants taken. The industry and the Association have in the span of a few years garnered valuable experience. From this, it is imperative to understand the lessons learnt; the positive and the negative, and particularly so in the case of the latter, when the most natural thing to do would be to hold back on any action. Malta’s reputation has suffered. To- wards the end of 2019, Malta was in the international news for all the wrong reasons. Chetcuti sees this as a big slap in the face. He explains that the building and construction indus- try is the first to be affected by the po- litical instability the country has been faced with. Chetcuti is known to try and take a fair and balanced approach. He explains that he does not want the industry stakeholders to end up in a situation where everything stalls, or else, even If investor confidence in the coun- try’s politics declines then demand will slow down. There are no two ways about it. One has to consider that the ‘beneficiaries’ of this would not just be the building industry but also those subsidiary industries which pro- vide ancillary services to it. And let’s not mention the indirect slowdown of the economy in general, reduction in consumer spending power, and so forth. So, is this something that could realis- tically happen in 2020? Well, it is no rocket science - yes it could happen. But then it wholly de- pends on how the whole situation is handled. And when one says handled, it must be done so appropriately with the proverbial kid gloves. If one acts fast to rebuild the bad reputation that Malta have garnered on an interna- tional plane, the damage can be con- tained and repaired. If investor confidence in the country’s politics declines then demand will slow down. WWW.DESIGNANDBUILD.COM.MT ISSUE 10 27