Chetcuti’s pres-
idency the Asso-
ciation has seen
hard work turn
into major mile-
stones that have enabled the industry
to achieve a large number of win-win
situations through its active partici-
pation in national project plans and
influencing government policy. This
involvement has resulted in spin-
over benefits reaching across varying
levels of society.
The Association has over the years
brought together industry players on
technical committees and working with
local and international lobby groups.
It has built good relations with vari-
ous authorities, government depart-
ments and ministries. Industry sup-
port has been rallied to the point that
membership and corporate sponsors
have nearly doubled in the past years.
The Association understands the
importance of Corporate Social Re-
sponsibility and is an active partici-
pant in various initiatives and worthy
Treasurer Alfred Camilleri presented
the annual financial report, where he
announced an overall growth in the
Association’s operations. Camilleri
explained that this is not generally the
case in relatively new organisations,
however this was possible through
the leadership of the Association’s
President and the commitment of its
Camilleri went on to describe the
positive precedent created where a
45% increase in finances was reg-
istered. This was mainly due to the
support of sponsors which saw a 55%
increase in funding when compared to
the previous year. A further €85,000
was obtained from the Civil Society
Fund, putting the MDA at par with
other well established organisations.
This funding enables the Associa-
tion to keep its membership fees low
whilst at the same time ensuring that
its operational efficiency is not neg-
atively affected. Although an increase
in expenses was registered, the Asso-
ciation’s finances were healthy as per
tabled Auditor’s Report.
The Administrative report, present-
ed by the MDA Secretary General
Michael Stivala, was the fruit of the
Council’s hard work and commit-
ment as well as healthy discussions
in their meetings. The key highlights
from the report included:-
The Association has over the years brought the industry players together.