On one hand, the right to own pri-
vate property is paramount and no
one should be generous with other
people’s assets. On the other hand,
where you have large projects of ur-
ban regeneration, as is the case with
the Paceville Master Plan, legislation
needs to be amended so that those
whose private residences or places of
business are expropriated are paid
over and above the market value. Re-
alistic alternatives should also be of-
fered in such circumstances.
This type of expropriation is unlike
that undertaken in the face of an im-
pending war or national calamity;
this is a ‘luxury’ aimed at enhancing
a locality from which the public in
general will benefit. Therefore, suit-
the situation is manageable
as long as we are building
upwards from the same
Q1, 2017
able incentives should be properly
devised so that