This will enable us to put in place a
strong system so that the country will
be primed for action should inves-
tors, who would be prepared to im-
plement those plans, come forward.
We would have anticipated that need
and identified the areas where these
plans can be implemented rather
than the other way round.
Not enough time and thought has
been devoted in the past to planning
infrastructure and the creation of
public open spaces that enhance the
quality of life of the public. Perhaps
this happened because it requires a
huge investment and other national
priorities like health, education and
social security have rightly taken prec-
edence. A strong dose of common
sense is required since public open
spaces are not created just because
someone has a wish list. The hard-
est thing is the transformation of the
plan into reality and its implementa-
tion. It is useless to have a list of de-
sirables if nothing ever gets done.
Closer co-operation between the
Lands Department that administers
all public land and the planners is vi-
tal. It is easier, for example, to plan
the regeneration of a locality which
has a higher amount of state owned
property as this gives greater leeway
to manoeuvre.
Planners would also benefit if there
were better co-ordination between
the major government entities in-
volved, particularly Transport Malta,
the Planning Authority, the Envi-
ronment and Resources Authority
and the Lands Department, and this
to the benefit of the public who relies
on their services.
Two areas of legislation that are in
urgent need of revision to facilitate
the transition from good planning
to effective implementation are
those regarding the expropriation
of property and the issue of frag-
mented ownership of property.
Expropriation should be seen by
property and business owners as an
opportunity to contribute to the
greater well-being of a locality.
needs to be
so that
those whose
or places of
business are
are paid over
and above
the market
Q1, 2017