Improving Fire Safety
In the aftermath of the deadly Oakland warehouse fire in December 2016 , DBI began working closely with the Fire Department and other public safety agencies to increase proactive outreach and reduce at-risk situations . Part of DBI ’ s educational efforts included engaging warehouse owners and tenants through the Code Enforcement Outreach Program ( CEOP ) to address life-safety issues prior to inspection by the Fire Department .
Housing Conversion Ordinance Updates
Originally adopted by the City in 1981 , the Residential Hotel Unit Conversion and Demolition Ordinance ( HCO ) preserves the existing stock of residential guest rooms as housing for low-income , elderly , and disabled persons . It required all hotel and apartment house owners with guest rooms to report how many guest rooms were being used on September 23 , 1979 . Rooms occupied by a tenant for 32 consecutive days or more were designated residential . Guest rooms occupied for less than 32 days were designated as tourist .
This year , the HCO was updated , with changes effective as of March 20 , 2017 , and passed unanimously by the Board of Supervisors in February . Revisions to the ordinance include :
• New or refined definitions of tourist and transit use , comparable unit , conversion , and low-income-household ;
• Revised procedures for permits to convert residential units ;
• Introduction of harmonizing fees and penalty provisions with the Building Code ;
• Elimination of seasonal short-term rentals for residential hotels that have violated HCO provisions in the previous year ; and
• Authorization of DBI to issue administrative subpoenas .
The purpose of this ordinance is to preserve affordable housing and prevent the loss of residential hotel units through conversion or demolition and to prevent the displacement of low income , elderly , and disabled persons .
Department of Building Inspection , Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Annual Report 19