Strong co-operative movements behind the Danish
Agro-food cluster’s world-leading position
Agriculture and Food is Denmark’s largest industry and
innovation grouping. Danish agriculture is one of the most
efficient and knowledge-based agricultural clusters in the
world. The evolution and success of Danish agriculture is
attributable to strong co-operative movements. Denmark’s
leading position is ensured by a high level of integration,
cooperation, and knowledge sharing at various levels of
the value chain. With a population of 5.7 million inhabitants,
Denmark produces food for almost thrice its population.
After processing and value addition, the excess food
products are exported to countries all over the world. This
is evidence of the high efficiency and productivity of the
Danish food cluster, which is characterised by impressively
small environmental footprints and high levels of food
safety. There are multiple areas across various food value
chains where Denmark with its vast experience, knowledge,
and technology can contribute to the development of the
Indian agriculture and food sector.
Multiple opportunities with mutual gains
India is facing a constantly growing demand for food
due to demographic changes and a growing population.
Responding to this demand requires development within the
primary agriculture production. Denmark has an excellent
record in this area, which can help ensure the development
of an efficient, high quality and environment-friendly
production in India. More specifically, Denmark is capable
of delivering high yielding genetics, high-quality efficient
farm machinery, farm inputs as well as farm management
While India is one of the world’s largest producers within
agriculture, dairy, and poultry, the food processing and
retail sector is still at a relatively nascent stage. Insufficient
infrastructure and rigid distribution and marketing systems
keep the agri-food sector from achieving its full potential.
In India, an estimated 35 to 40% of food is lost before
reaching the dining table. Danish food processing expertise
can help India create lasting development in this sector.
Denmark has a strong reputation worldwide for providing
high-quality food and agro-processing machinery and
solutions. It also stands as a leading supplier of food
ingredients, enzymes, and culture with a global market
share of 15% India is already gaining pace as an important
MOUs/Agreements between India and Denmark
1. MOU on Cooperation in the field of Sustainable and
Smart Urban Development between the Ministry for
Housing and Urban Affairs of India and the Ministry of
Industry, Business and Financial Affairs of Denmark. 4. MOU on Cooperation in Agricultural Research and
Education between the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research and the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of
Science, Denmark.
2. MOU on Cooperation in the fields of Animal Husbandry
and Dairying between Department of Animal Husbandry,
Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers
Welfare of India and the Danish Veterinary and Food
Administration, Ministry of Environment and Food of
Denmark. A Joint Working Group (JWC) consisting of representatives
of each party shall be created to formulate joint programmes,
facilitate cooperation and consultation and subsequent
evaluation. Danish partnership is expected to facilitate the
exchange of knowledge and expertise in the areas of animal
breeding, animal health and dairying, fodder management
etc. aiming at enhancing production and productivity of
Indian livestock including livestock trade matter of mutual
3. MOU on Food Safety Cooperation between the Food
Safety and Standards Authority of India and the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration.