Dendrology of the Tolowa Dunes State Park 1 | Page 7

Map Courtesy of USGS

Abies grandis

grand fir


Usually found on moist sites on mountain slopes and bottom lands. Elevational range from sea level to 6000 ft. The only true fir found at sea level. Grand fir rarely occurs in pure stands and is generally mixed with othere conifers and at sea level mixed with hardwoods (Randall et al 1988).

A large conifer 125' to 250' tall, and 2' to 6' in diameter. Needles 3/4" to 2" long, linear; lusterous dark yellow and grooved on the upper side. Bands of white stomal bloom on the underside. Cones are cylindrical, 2 1/2" to 4"long, green to greenish-purple.

Bark 2" to 3" thick on mature trees, furrowed woth flattened ridges; ashy-brown in color and mottled with lighter colored areas (Randall et al 1988).