Dendrology of the Tolowa Dunes State Park 1 | Page 32

Rosa gymnocarpa

little wood rose


Occurs on moist sites in the woods or in the open. Widely distributed throughout the west form the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast, and from British Columbia to southern California (Randall et al 1988).

Finely branched moist site shrub up to 6’ tall; stems armed with fine prickles. Leaves 2” to 3 1/2” long, with 5 to 7 oval or oval/elliptical leaflets which are 1/2” to 3/4” long; dark green and smooth above, paler and smooth beneath. Margin doubly serrate. Flowers pink, borne singly or up to 4 in a cluster. Fruit is a Hip that is orange-red, glabrous and elliptical. Stems armed with numerous straight, slender prickles (Randall et al 1988).

Courtesy USDA Plants Database