Demo 1 | Page 6

16 CHU Wenchang and DI CLAUDIO Leontina Proof. For S = N, the generating function of {p` (n|N)} reads as X X X p` (n) x`qn = x` p` (n)qn `,n≥0 = `≥0 ∞ Y k=1 n≥0 1 1 = . k 1 − xq (qx; q)∞ m Extracting the coefficient of x , we get ∞ X pm (n) qn = [xm ] n=0 1 . (qx; q)∞ For |q| < 1, the function 1/(qx; q)∞ is analytic at x = 0. We can therefore expand it in MacLaurin series: ∞ X 1 = A` (q)x` (B2.2) (qx; q)∞ `=0  where the coefficients A` (q) are independent of x to be determined. Performing the replacement x → x/q, we can restate the expansion just displayed as ∞ X 1 = A` (q)x` q−` . (B2.3) (x; q)∞ `=0 It is evident that (B2.2) equals (1 − x) times (B2.3), which results in the functional equation ∞ X A` (q)x` = (1 − x) `=0 ∞ X A` (q)x` q−` . `=0 Extracting the coefficient of x m from both expansions, we get Am (q) = Am (q)q−m − Am−1 (q)q1−m which is equivalent to the following recurrence relation q Am (q) = Am−1 (q) where m = 1, 2, · · · . 1 − qm Iterating this recursion for m-times, we find that Am (q) = (1 − qm A0 (q) qm A0 (q). = m−1 −q ) · · · (1 − q) (q; q)m qm )(1 Noting that A0 (q) = 1, we get finally ∞ X n=0 pm (n) qn = [xm] 1 qm = . (qx; q)∞ (q; q)m This completes the proof of Proposition B2.1.