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Classical Partition Identities and Basic Hypergeometric Series 27 B5. Partitions into distinct parts and finite q-differences Similarly, let Q` (n|m) be the number of partitions of n into exactly ` distinct parts with each part ≤ m. Then we have generating functions   X m (1+` q 2 ) = Q` (n|m) qn (B5.1) ` n≥0 m Y (1 + xqk ) = k=1 X Q`(n|m) x` qn (B5.2) `,n≥0 whose combination leads us to Euler’s finite q-differences (x; q)n = n−1 Y n X `=0 k=0 (1 − xq` ) = (−1)k   n (k2) k q x . k (B5.3) Following the second proof of Theorem B3.1, we can check without difficulty that the shifted Ferrers diagrams of the partitions into `-parts ≤ m are `+1 unions of the same triangle of length ` enumerated by q( 2 ) and the ordinary partitions into parts ≤ m − ` with length ≤ ` whose generating function hmi reads as the q-binomial coefficient . The product of them gives the ` generating function for {Q`(n|m)}n . The second formula is a particular case of (B1.2b). Its combination with the univariate generating function just proved leads us to the following:   m X m X X 1+` n ` ` m ( 2 ) (−qx; q)m = q . Q`(n|m) q x = x ` `=0 n≥0 `=0 Replacing x by −x/q in the above, we get Euler’s q-difference formula:   m X ` m (2` ) ` (x; q)m = q x. (−1) ` `=0 Remark The last