Demo 1 | Page 16

26 CHU Wenchang and DI CLAUDIO Leontina Iterating this relation `-times, we find that B` (q) = B0 (q) (qm+1 ; q)` = (q; q)`   m+` ` q where B0 (q) = 1 follows from setting x = 0 in the generating function ∞ X 1 = Bk (q)xk . (xq; q)m+1 k=0 Therefore we conclude the proof.  B4.3. Theorem. Classifying the partitions according to the number of parts, we derive immediately two q-binomial identities (finite and infinite):   `+m m `=0   ∞ X `+m x` m n X q` = = `=0   m+n+1 n m Y k=0 1 . 1 − xqk (B4.3a) (B4.3b) Proof. In view of (B4.2a) and (B4.2b), the univariate generating functions for the partitions into parts ≤ m + 1 with the lengths equal to ` and h i `+m ≤ n are respectively given by the q-binomial coefficients q` and m h i m+n+1 . Classifying the partitions enumerated by the latter accorn ding to the number of parts ` with 0 ≤ ` ≤ n, we establish the first identity. By means of (B4.1b), we have m Y k=0   ∞ ∞ ∞ X X X 1 ` ` n ` m+` = x p (n|m) q = x ` 1 − xqk n=0 `=0 which is the second q-binomial identity. `=0