How old were you when Demi went to rehab? How did you reacted to this big news?
She went to rehab Jan 28, 2010. I was 22 at the time, but like i said I didn't know she went to rehab until I watched her documentary. My reaction tho when I did find out, I cried. I felt like I had turn my back on her. I felt bad that I wasn't there for her. I beat myself up for not being one of the "Lovatics" who tweeted constantly, "stay strong Demi!"
Which song of Demi do you relate to the most?
Lightweight. Cuz i am THAT girl. I do care about what a guy says to me "Easy to fall, easy to break." I've had my heart broken a lot times. Demi took my exact feelings and put them into this one song.
Did you met Demi?
I have! Sept 15, 2014 in Orlando, FL and Oct 15, 2014 in Louisville, KY. Both for her World Tour. I watched her perform live for the first time earlier this year, Feb 26, 2014, in Tampa, FL for the Neon Lights Tour.
Do you think Demi’s story define her as a person or as an artist?
Just like she said on tour, "my story doesn't define me." It's her heart. What I do believe is that her story made her overcome her struggles. She has a good solid support system and she takes it day by day. So much so, she has made mental health awareness known through the "Mental Health Listening and Engagement Tour." I am beyond proud of her. I commend her for being a voice and an inspiration to all ages.
If you could turn a hater into a lovatic, what would you say?
Wow. That's a loaded question. I don't believe Demi has haters. I just think these people reject what they don't understand. I would say, "Mental health and eating disorders are a very real and present problem in today's society. Social media are THE ones to blame. Young girls and boys, even adults, self-harm and purge to become at least half of the "perfection" they see on tv and magazines. Then there were those who made fun of them for trying. Bullying them to the edge of suicide and sometimes succeeding. This is what happened to Demi. She believed the lie that she wasn't pretty enough or small enough. At one point, Demi wanted to die. She cut herself thinking it would numb the pain. She abused drugs and alcohol and manipulated loved ones to get her way. This is what is happening today. This, could be your daughter or your son. Think about that before you trash talk about things you don't understand."