Delta Diamond v15.3.4 Delta Diamond v15.3.4 | Page 21

Arts & Letters Betty Shabazz & GEMS Institute Alvenia Derban Cheryl Mann mvps Delta Teen Pageant Laureen Mobley DST JAX Camp Sunshine Darlene Dudley Economic Development Johnna Daniels Elections Jacquelyn Nash EMBODI ERT Finance Akilah J. Pope Sandra Hull-Richardson Rita Scott Founders Day ‘ Fundraising Grant Development Health & Fitness Heritage and Archives Teresa Shears Brazil Sheila Campfield Cheresa Boston Jacquelyn Johnson Karen Kincade Information Communications & Tech Brittany Gillard Institutional Research Cheresa Boston Internal Audit Laureen Mobley Legal Review/Rules of Order Regina Ford Courtney May Week & Scholarship Jamesha Moore Membership Alvenia Derban Nominating NPHC Karen Kincade Jacqueline Slater Projects & International Awareness Antoya Shuler Madam President shocked the chapter with a new award, the Delta Dear of the Year. By this time, all ears were peaked and eager to hear the results. Soror Perselphone Coleman served on several committees, given sisterly advice, assisted with writing up awards and has led the charge for the Delta Precinct for years. With tears in her eyes, Soror Coleman’s quiet presence and humble spirit touched us all. Last but not least, the award everyone was waiting to be announced. The membership was anxious to hear what soror had stood out amongst the long list of servant leaders. A soror who has been President Tutt’s left hand, kept the chapter in good standing through challenging circumstances, assisted with every committee in some form or fashion, and who has served as an officer or committee chair for over 10 years. The deserving soror was Tashia M. Small, Esquire. Rounds of applause were heard as each JAC member was awarded their new title. Laughter and Love was in the air. called to the floor. While attempting to close the meeting, Soror Tutt was Sorors Pope and Williams along with the executive board thanked Veronica and presented her with a bouquet of red roses with a special token for giving numerous hours of her time to the Jacksonville Alumnae chapter, being transparent, and allowing the members to utilize their talents to take JAC to the top. Soror Tutt was most appreciative and ended the final meeting of the 2018-2019 sororal year with class. 21