Break through
Businesses need a blueprint for sustained , ongoing change that unites people and technology .
Businesses have innovated tremendously in a short amount of time , but it ’ s taken its toll . New research from Dell — based on insights from 10,500 respondents across the globe — shows that human barriers to digital transformation are causing friction and fatigue .
50 %
The study comprised 10,500 respondents :
25 %
25 %
25 % 25 % 50 %
2,625 senior business decision-makers
2,625 IT decision-makers
5,250 employees involved in digital transformation projects
56 % of all respondents admit they don ’ t always have the motivation / energy to act on digital transformation in the workplace .
41 % of all respondents believe staff are experiencing burnout / poor mental health that ’ s affecting their ability to deliver their work .