3. Sentient Cities
Digital cities will be
intelligent, efficient, and
sustainable, powered by a
networked infrastructure
of smart objects, selfreporting
systems, and
AI-powered analytics.
68% of the people
on Earth will live in an urban
area by 2050. 2
4. Agents and Algorithms
Highly personalized intelligent
agents will serve as our
“operating system for living,”
anticipating our needs and
taking action to meet them.
50% of leaders
expect they will rely upon
their virtual assistant. 1
5. Robots With Social Lives
Robots will be socially
engaged with humans, but
also with each other—
sharing knowledge through
a social (robot) network.
70% of leaders
would welcome people
partnering with
machines to surpass
our human limitations. 1
Read the full Future of Connected Living report
at DellTechnologies.com/FutureOfLiving
1. Dell Technologies research, “Digital Transformation Index,” conducted by Vanson
Bourne, August 2018, www.delltechnologies.com/DTIndex.
2. United Nations, 2018 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects, December 2018,