The Future of
Connected Living
Over the next decade, an array of emerging technologies will reshape our
daily lives. From autonomous vehicles to smart homes to digital cities, we
won’t just live with our machines, but rather become more immersed and
work in partnership with them. Dell Technologies has partnered with Institute
for the Future to explore the key shifts that will shape how we live in the
coming decade.
Five Shifts to 2030
1. Networked Reality
Our digital environment
will become more
immersive and
interactive than ever
before—extending across
our homes, vehicles,
workplace, and our bodies.
56% of leaders
say they would welcome
day-to-day immersion
in virtual and augmented
realities. 1
2. Connected Mobility and Networked Matter
Transportation systems
will resemble the packetswitched
networks underlying
the internet. Autonomous
vehicles will act as nomadic
sensors on the Internet
of Things.
50% of leaders
believe they will travel in a
self-driving car. 1